Tuesday 16 September 2014

Compare and Contrast of Sources

Source A: 

Public speech by David Marshall under the apple tree at old parliament house,1956

Source B: 
A historian's account of the Chinese Unions in 1956
Both sources, A and B, are similar in that the government did not treat locals properly and that people were upset with them.
Source A says' I think you know,when I was first elected and appointed Chief Minister,I was hold I had no office ,no clerk ,no thambi'.
This show how the government did not treat locals properly.David Marshall,Chief Minister ,which should be a high position was not given anything an official should be given,not even a work place was given to him just because he is a local, even though he is the Chief Minister,a supposedly high ranking position.This also shows that the British looked down on locals and did not respect them.

Source B says ' Out on the streets,Chinese students ignored the government's official closure of their schools ,and in a repeat of the previous year locked themselves into their classroom,where they established their own revolutionary curriculum'
The government had just shut down schools ,not really caring about those students' education which was why the students were upset and did not approved on what they did and decided to not heed the government rule and conduct lessons by themselves . 

Both sources,A and B,are different in how the locals protested against the government and how many people were involved.In Source A ,David Marshall was the only one that protested ,and it was a small-scale protesting ,but in Source B,many locals were protesting and it was like a large scale event.

Source A says'I had to threaten to bring a desk here and set it up here or in my flat before I could get an office!'
David Marshall was the only one in the source doing any actions against the government ,warning that if they do not even give him the most basic treatment for a government worker,there would be some actions done that would reflect badly on them.

Source B says'From early April until the end of December 1955,Singapore witnessed a staggering 260 labour stoppages,walk-offs,go-slows and sit-downs  -  if we exclude Sundays ,that means more than one labour protest every working day'
This shows how the locals were fighting against the government,in such large scale that in that year,for almost all days,people would be on the streets ,demanding for better working conditions and salaries .